Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thanks To All Who Made Benny's Angel Book Signing Successful!

My first book signing for Benny's Angel: A God's Secret Garden Adventure was a success and a blessing. What a joy it was to read the book for the children, who included my own great-granddaughters! All the children enjoyed coloring the printouts of Benny Bunny and Marietta the Angel that we made available to them. The adults were gracious with their response when I shared my experiences leading up to the birth of the book. The question and answer session was lively, enabling me to share the positive experiences I have had with Tate Publishing & Enterprises during the production of Benny's Angel. I am looking forward to several more pre-launch events that are scheduled for September and October. Stay tuned for dates and times.

                                                                                 ~ Laura Allen Nonemaker

Order Benny's Angel

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of the pictures I need to share at our LCW page. :-) I'm glad you shared it here and I think it was a great success. You had a lot of support from family and friends and it was wonderful to see them all getting behind your pre-launch. And to think you worked this hard in spite of a fractured foot/ankle. You are definitely an inspiration, Laura!
